Tag Archives: Kingston Tennis Courts

Kitsap County Parks Need Help With Maintainence – Can You Do A Little?

The Kitsap County Parks around Kingston are in need of volunteers to help with maintenance as funding is low for those type of projects. A little help from everyone can go a long way and most likely we have all enjoyed one or more of them.

old school house

One of my favorite places in Kingston is Kola Kola Park. It is an active park because the old school houses the Kingston Coop Preschool, and nothing gives life to a place like young children! Continue reading Kitsap County Parks Need Help With Maintainence – Can You Do A Little?

Village Green Community Park in Kingston WA


The new Village Green Community Park in Kingston WA is truly a work in progress.  It is a wonderful space to play with the children or dogs, or just to do a little sunbathing or walking and looking at what used to be an old Kingston farm.



The park is located on what was a reclaimed waste water treatment site and Navy housing site.  Future plans include ball fields, walking paths, and a new community center housing a library, senior center, and meeting rooms.


This is the rare 100 year old Camperdown Scotch Elm Tree that was part of the old farm.  Since the tree cannot self reproduce it needs to be protected.  It was adopted by the Kingston Garden Club, and hopefully will have a new sign soon to help assure it continues to thrive.


Right next door to the new and developing park are the Kingston Tennis Courts.  They are busy courts and in good weather almost always have a game being played on them at any time of day.

Right around the corner is the skateboard park, and that is definitely busy all the time.