In looking at the Hot searches on Google today, Thanksgiving Eve, 2011 we find #1 – Thanksgiving. Thank God! Glad it is not yet Christmas (or something scary).
Number 2 however is someone I have never heard of (mind you I do not have TV. Just Netflix. And a VCR/DVD Deck.) Yes a VCR. To many of you it’s right up there with the phone my 9-year-old saw in a thrift shop this past weekend. It was pretty old-fashioned even to my standards – ornate, fancy handle, on a pedestal. She picked up the receiver, that was familiar enough and said “mom, how do you dial it?” It was a rotary dial of course…. But she does math online, can adeptly search for horse videos and 12-year-olds seeing how fast they can sing the “50 Nifty United States” on YouTube. And do more on my cell phone than I can… she simply can’t understand a rotary telephone.
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