The white splendor was upon us last week – good for some, not so good for others. But all-in-all if you have kiddos, (or cross country skis) it was fun! It was noted that a hot sledding location for winter frolicking is right nearby – Snow Horse! (local golf course in other seasons). It is a bowl so lots of fun and roller-coaster-like sledding. Not a far walk from Indianola on the trail that runs along the golf course and not quite as speedy as Killer Hill.
Speaking of Killer Hill – three locals had the eternally cool (and fast!) Radio Flyer metal railed sleds. The REAL DEAL! They flew down the hill – the kids were so impressed!
School was out, for many, so was work. So off we went to play in the frozen world. Power stayed on – hallelujah! Which made playing in the snow all the more fun with a chance to go inside, warm up and have some cocoa. We don’t get it too bad nor often – hope you all had a chance to play!

Indianola Clubhouse is also a Red Cross Warming Station in the case of power outage in the area. You can sled down there – or to the Indianola Country Store. The Store had limited sled parking on Thursday but was a great place to meet with friends and neighbors and discuss the best sledding hills to venture out to next! It’s also nice that we, in Indianola, can get out of the house, on foot, during frozen winter days!